Trademark Registration is when a trademark is registered by the UK Intellectual Property Office. A trademark could protect a company’s name, logo, slogan, or other distinctive characteristics. This process allows the owner exclusive rights to use the trademark services at their discretion. It also serves as a warning to other businesses that the trademark is legally registered and protected.
The registration of trademarks in the United Kingdom is governed by the Trademarks Act 1994. Under this Act, the owner of a registered trademark has exclusive rights to that trademark. Those rights are breached by the use of the trademark in the UK without consent.
How to register a trademark
- Your intellectual property eligibility is assessed.
- It is established whether anyone else has already registered a trademark for the same thing or a similar alternative.
- A trademark application is completed online or by post.
- Feedback on your application is received. Amendments are made if required.
- There is a required waiting period, to see if there are any objections to your application.
- Finally, the trademark is registered.
Why choose our trademark registration solicitors?
Here at Bond Adams LLP we have a team of specialised trademark registration solicitors with a wide experience and expertise in helping clients to protect their intellectual property rights.
We offer a broad service that involves running trademark searches, and filing trademark applications. Bond Adams also provide continuing support to ensure your trademarks are properly maintained. Our dedicated team provides personalised and cost-effective solutions for your specific needs.
If you are looking for further advice and assistance, then Bond Adams LLP can advise and empower you to understand your options. We will support your decisions about the future. Our lawyers have extensive training to fully support you. Their goal is to provide you with the best outcome you can possibly have.
Contact us
Bond Adams Solicitors
Richmond House
94 London Road
0116 285 8080
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