Cyber Fraud
Law firms are being targeted by criminals to conduct cyber fraud. Law firms work with relevant authorities and regulators to take proactive steps to prevent incidents occurring. The Solicitors Regulation Authority consider this to be a high risk to the legal profession and to the public and provide an update of recent scam alerts on their website.
Payment Details:
1. Cheque: you can simply send your cheque to us made payable to “Bond Adams LLP Solicitors”
2. Bacs/Electronic Transfers/Internet banking
Please contact our accounts team in our Leicester office on +44 (0)116 285 8080 for details of our sort code and bank account.
Our bank is held at:
National Westminster Bank PLC
1 Princes Street
(“City of London Branch”)
3. Standing order: If you wish to make arrangements to pay bills by standing orders, contact our accounts team in our Leicester office on +44 (0)116 285 8080.
Contact us:
If you are unsure of any communication or documentation purporting to be from Bond Adams Solicitors or any member, employee or consultant associated with the Firm, please contact us in writing at Richmond House, 94 London Road, Leicester, LE2 0QS or by telephone on 01162858080 or by email at [email protected]